برای مردم غزه

دوستانی که در بلژیک زندگی می کنند! فردا از ساعت دو بعدازظهر، و از "مونت پلین" بروکسل راهپیمایی بر علیه جنگ در غزه انجام خواهد شد! من و مهشید هم می رویم،من عکس هم می گیرم.
در ادامه آدرس را برایتان می نویسم.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Location: Brussels - Muntplein

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دمتان گرم. فقط همبستگی انسان هاست که می تواند جنگ ها را متوقف کند. بیچاره انسان.
دمتان گرم.
‏ناشناس گفت…
thank you for suppporting Hamas and Islamic Repblic of Iran. The more you support terrorism and bullying, the more they will dare to help the world. please send more money for poor people of Gaza. they need to buy bombs and specially bomb belts for their kids. Iranian Mullas need the Leftists support to wipe Israel off the map and throw all Jews into the sea and give Israel to Arabs. Long live your Arab and Rusian friends. you won, and sold Iran to these fascists. now destroy Israel and sell it to Islam too. the world needs Islam and you are helping to stablish Islam in the world. thank you.

Thank you dear Leftists for helping Iranian fascist Islmists to take over the country for 30 years and thank you for being quite all these years and having fun living your comfortable lives in Western countries instead of living in your mother land under the Islamists that you gave power to.
tell Hamas they should attack Israel whenever they want becuae they are poor and dont' have big missiles. Tell Israel to ask its citizens to hide in shelters whenever their citiets are hit by these missiles and do nothing else becaseue these misslies kill only a few people and in the Leftists mind who support Stablin and the millions whom he killed, killing small numbers of people dosnt' matter specially when they are Isarelis and Jews.
‏ناشناس گفت…
when you Leftists sold Iran to Islamists, you escaped to the West. when you sell Euorope to Islamist,where will you run to?( and it will be soon, because the economy is bad and hey, MOslesm have the right to burn the whole Europe,if they want to protest)
‏ناشناس گفت…
can you please tell me when and where was the rallies that the Leftists had when Hamas Attacked Israel for no reason? did you protest when Hamas started throwing rockets at Israel? Didn't you see that Hamas was endangering Palestiniand kids? didn't you see they were thrwoing rockest from homes and schools and Mosques? whey didnt' you stop Hamas? why didn't you protest? Is it ok if Palestinians give bombs and guns to their children? when children touch guns they may get hurt.
Why are you protesting Israel for defending itself? why should they let Hamas tell them how to defend themselves? was it just because you hate Jews and in your Islamic religion Jews are considered najes? was it because in your leftist ideology a dictator like Stalin who killed Millions hated Jews? Moselms are alwasy hateful racists even when they pretend to be secular and worship Stalin instead of Allah.

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